Tuesday 30 September 2008

Remote Data Backup

Unlike regular data backup software, Remote Data Backup doesn't send backups to media attached to the computer it is backing up. Instead, Remote Backup uses remote methods such as normal telephone lines or network connections to send the backup to another computer. Fully automated, it typically sends the backup at night so the computers aren't being used. Backups are becoming more and more vital as business depend more upon computers and the data they store. Night after night, many businesses takes vast risks and are not even aware of it.
Other backup software usually misses or improperly completes essential steps that Remote Data Backup is perfect for. This is especially true with non-automated backup systems, where a company employee is responsible for performing backups. Sometimes the person is occupied with other work, the computer is in use at the scheduled backup time, or the person just forgets. Whatever the reason, most businesses do not follow their backup schedule. But with a Remote Backup system, backups are automatically completed when the computer is not in use, usually at night or some other low usage period, so you'll never be caught off guard without a recent backup.
Most data backup software is installed with a list of files for which duplicates need to be made, generally reflecting the computer's memory when the software was installed. These updates therefore miss many important files, including files that were started after the software was first used. To make matters worse, most companies do not regularly reset their backup software to ensure that all necessary files are being protected each time.
Remote Data Backup will help solve this issue by reevaluating non-stop your computer system, adding new files to the backup as necessary. Copies of files that are redundant are stored using a very sophiscated version control system that is not available in most of the other types of backup software. This fact is too important to dismiss.
Redundancy is a necessary feature for any online data backup service. There need to be multiple copies of every file, kept at every stage of development. The version provide for the strongest possible data loss protection by minimizing the amount of information that would be lost in the event of a disaster. Each file should be backed up after each session, and each copy of each file should be retrievable at any time. Large corporations back up their data this way, and Remote Backup allows small companies to have the same assurance that their data is protected.
To ensure total security, all backups are encrypted. Usually, tape backups are not encrypted; anyone who can get a hold of your tapes will be able to gain access to your payroll, tax information, customer database, and other records. Remote Backup stores this information at multiple secure sites, so that you don't need a tape backups. As a result, no disaster can completely wipe out your records, and you will soon be able to get your business computers restarted.
Unlike regular data backup software, remote data backup doesn't send backups to media attached to the computer it is backing up. Fully automated, it typically sends the backup at night so the computers aren't being used. This backup process eliminates a difficulty through the process of constantly studying the contents of your drive, modifying the set as necessary. By definition, online data backup service requires redundancy. There must be multiple copies of each file stored at different points in their development. These are called "versions". Versions aid data loss protection. Remote Backup provides a great solution to this problem: store all the encrypted data on several sites.

Remote Data Backup

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